Flight Risk (2025)
Flight Risk (2025)
Rated 15
Directed by the legendary Mel Gibson - who brought us Apocalypto, The Passion of the Christ and Braveheart - to name but a few…and starring Hollywood favourite, Mark Wahlberg - this is bound to be a great movie…right?
Nope! It’s bad. Even those with voice-only parts come across as over-acted and the only Flight Risk in this movie would be anyone paying their hard earned cash to watch it. Save your money, watch the trailer below (which is better than the full movie) and if you’re absolutely desperate to see it - wait for it to be free on streaming platforms.
If you do subject yourself to watching this, you’ll see the story of an Air Marshal accompanying a fugitive to trial but “not everyone aboard is who they seem”. With only 3 on board - it’s not going to take you long to figure out whats going on and unfortunately there are no ‘The Sixth Sense’ style twists in the storyline to have you clinging on with suspense.
Given that almost the entire movie is inside the plane with the 3 actors, it might have helped make the characters believable if they had broken up the same scene by delving into the characters back-stories. However, it didn’t and if you were hoping for a modern-day, Con Air style thriller you’ll be sadly let down. It feels like a low budget, lets-make-a-B-movie on our weekend off type of affair….but with the names involved we expected better.
Thankfully its only an hour and a half long. For us, it’s a give-it-a-miss and thank me later - 4.8/10.