The Gorge (2025)
The Gorge(2025)
Rated 15
I was beginning to worry that there would be no Movie of the Month to kick off March 2025…until I watched The Gorge. Although TV series have been smashing it so far this year, The Movie front has been a tad disappointing, so it was a welcome relief to find and watch Apple+ TV’s latest original film - The Gorge.
Miles Teller and Anya Joy-Taylor play two highly-skilled operatives that are chosen to guard solitary outposts on opposite sides of an highly-classified and mysterious gorge. With very little to information provided of what lurks beneath and between them, the two eventually have to help each other out -despite the vast distance between them - and inevitably find a way to bond.
The movie has a refreshingly different storyline, that manages to combine a number of genres, ensuring the movie will appeal to many. The action is good, the graphics are decent (a touch Pirates of the Caribbean style which I admit I wasn’t a huge fan of) and more importantly, we have two excellent and believable characters. Unlike ‘Flight Risk’, which we recently watched and thought was terrible - The Gorge dips into the characters back-stories to set up the movie and the ensuing action keeps you interested and entertained throughout.
I think movie critics have been a bit harsh - this is really good and it wouldn’t have taken much more to push this into the eight out of ten ballpark. So for us, the best new movie to watch right now and our Movie of the Month for March 2025 is The Gorge, with a very respectable 7.8/10 .